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Options United

Options United's vision is to connect every vulnerable mother in California with local pregnancy help and support services. 

Our mission since 2009 is to strengthen and unite California's pregnancy center network by our marketing and well-trained call center staff who work to compassionately guide abortion vulnerable callers to the nearest local life-affirming center.

A mother in a crisis pregnancy situation typically chooses between a birth or an abortion within 24 to 48 hours. Our free state-wide hotline connects vulnerable women to life-affirming non-profits offering pregnancy help, adoption resources, post-abortion counseling and more. 


Call or Text for Help

Help Promote This Number and Save Lives!

Consider putting this number and website in your parish bulletin, website, campuses and other locales that make sense. This one number will connect any woman or family in California to their local pregnancy center. 

Below find links to downloaded materials you can use in your parish community to help promote this number and make it reachable to those that need it. You never know who needs this help, please consider making it accesible as a way of building a culture of life in your community.

Support the Mission, Donate To Options United

On average a donation of $25 can help a mother choose life for her unborn baby by listening to her and providing her care, compassion, and options for life.

Options United is a 510c3 charity supported by donors like you. In 2022, the California Catholic Conference of Bishops asked Options United United to strengthen the network of pregnancy centers in our state. 



Centro Pastoral Diocesano
1201 E. Highland Ave.
San Bernardino, CA 92404
(909) 475-5350

© 2022 por la Oficina de Respeto a la Vida y Cuidado Pastoral, Diócesis de San Bernardino. Orgullosamente creado

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